Before the event got started, I decided to take a stroll through Northwest Portland. I used to work in the area and would walk through the neighborhoods on my lunch hour. As I looked for my favorite yards in this older part of Portland I just had to smile. I was surrounded by Texas.
I moved to Austin five years ago and have fallen in love with the city. Partly because it makes me feel so much like "home". No wonder, many of the same plants I had in my Portland garden are actually Texas natives and feature prominently in my Austin yard. Liatris, coreopsis, lipstick salvia, sunflowers, tradescantia, sweet potato vine, all peek through yards and planters. If it weren't for the hostas and rhododendrons I could be strolling through Hyde Park.
It makes me a little disoriented.
So as I prepare to see Portland again through a carefully planned itinerary, I am happy to report that my old haunts are as colorful as ever. And while I can pine away for things that I no longer grow, there is enough in common to keep me firmly planted in both Austin and Portland - even though they are 2,000 miles apart.
So glad you are having a great time visiting your old haunts. I always find it amazing to be on the other side of the world and still see the same plants growing. Of course most of them e have transported to our own fair land. I'm enjoying everyones post s on facebook and look forward to more of those gardens being blogged about in the weeks ahead. We visited Portland a few years ago and loved it. Not sure about the winter weather though.
ReplyDeleteYes, I don't miss those gray months AT ALL. I had to have full spectrum light bulbs in the house (very expensive) in order to ward off the seasonal depression. Happy to report that I don't have that problem here in Austin! Of course, as my husband said after a bout of heat exhaustion, "The weather in Oregon may bore you to death but it doesn't try to kill you like it does here in Texas." Ha!