I'm taking a moment to reflect back on the past year. I didn't do much traveling or gardening, as the scarcity of my photos testify. I've allowed things to get unbalanced, and looking through my photos reminds me that I need to slow down and appreciate the wonders.
These images make my heart warm. Yes, they are mostly plants, but hey, it's what I love to look at. I hope you'll indulge me.
McKee Bridge, Oregon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McKee_Bridge |
Loblolly Pine, Pinus taeda, Peckerwood Gardens, Hempstead, Texas |
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas, during a downpour. |
Prickly pear, Austin, Texas |
When ponds dream, McAshan Herb Gardens at Festival Hill, Texas |
Chocolate Mimosa Tree at Tanglewood Garden, Texas |
Mount St. Helens, Washington, with the still ash-choked Toutle River, hard to believe it's been 38 years since the eruption. Seems like yesterday. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_St._Helens |
Pacific Dogwood, Ashland, Oregon against that impossibly blue Oregon Sky |
My Grandpa called this "strawberry grass" when I asked him what it was. It was only later that I realized he made up almost every plant name in order to appease his chattering granddaughters that would never shut up when following him around the forest. |
Reflections from Lithia Park Reservoir, Ashland, Oregon |
An infinity of alliums |
Phacelia tanacetifolia, Purple tansy, Southern Oregon Experiment Station, Medford, Oregon |
Applegate River, Oregon |
Wild Rose, Applegate Reservoir, Oregon |
Lichen covered limbs hanging over Applegate Reservoir, Oregon |
Anigozanthos flavidus 'Yellow', Kangaroo Paw, Sacramento, California |
Jess, my host at the California State Fair, whose badge is being inspected by a friendly porcine. |
See? I can take pictures of people too. Hope you enjoyed them.