
Copyright © Sheryl Williams - Yardfanatic 2025
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Sunday, January 6, 2019

2018 Favorite Photos

I'm taking a moment to reflect back on the past year. I didn't do much traveling or gardening, as the scarcity of my photos testify. I've allowed things to get unbalanced, and looking through my photos reminds me that I need to slow down and appreciate the wonders.

These images make my heart warm. Yes, they are mostly plants, but hey, it's what I love to look at. I hope you'll indulge me.

McKee Bridge, Oregon.

Loblolly Pine, Pinus taeda, Peckerwood Gardens, Hempstead, Texas
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas, during a downpour.
Prickly pear, Austin, Texas
When ponds dream, McAshan Herb Gardens at Festival Hill, Texas
Chocolate Mimosa Tree at Tanglewood Garden, Texas
Mount St. Helens, Washington, with the still ash-choked Toutle River, hard to believe it's been 38 years since the eruption. Seems like yesterday.
Pacific Dogwood, Ashland, Oregon against that impossibly blue Oregon Sky
My Grandpa called this "strawberry grass" when I asked him what it was. It was only later that I realized he made up almost every plant name in order to appease his chattering granddaughters that would never shut up when following him around the forest.
Reflections from Lithia Park Reservoir, Ashland, Oregon
An infinity of alliums
Phacelia tanacetifolia, Purple tansy, Southern Oregon Experiment Station, Medford, Oregon
Applegate River, Oregon
Wild Rose, Applegate Reservoir, Oregon
Lichen covered limbs hanging over Applegate Reservoir, Oregon
Anigozanthos flavidus 'Yellow', Kangaroo Paw, Sacramento, California
Jess, my host at the California State Fair, whose badge is being inspected by a friendly porcine.

See? I can take pictures of people too. Hope you enjoyed them.