The first step to building my insect hotel was to research what future residents I could hope to attract here in my central Texas yard. I already have toads, wasps and lady bugs, but want more bees and lacewings.
I learned that most of the native bees in Texas are ground dwellers. That meant that whatever nest I built would need to be very low. I learned that bumblebees like to nest in old mouse holes. On the Internet I found a lot of sites in the UK that sell bumblebee houses and a lot of chatter about their effectiveness. Apparently the queen is not easily amused. Here are the two best websites I found for constructing a nest.
I had some old shelving and thought that it would make a good start for the project. The bottom shelf of this unit was about the right dimensions for the two-chamber design.

I drilled a hole in the door for the mouse hole entrance. Of course I didn't get this lined up perfectly and had to chisel out the hole. GRRR.
I used a screen door latch for the door. And installed hinges with the tiniest screws. I had to improvise to find a bit small enough to handle them.
Finally I drilled some ventilation holes and stapled some mesh over them to keep other bugs out. I cut up an old bag I had for the squares.
I saved shavings from the front yard tree removal and put them in one side of the box. I also threw in some cat hair - mouse holes are hairy, right?
Now I just have to wait. Bumblebee queens start looking for housing in February. I haven't seen any out in the yard - in fact I have rarely seen any bumblebees in the three years I have lived here. I planted lavender next to the box to try to entice them in years to come. If I can make the backyard a destination, perhaps some day her highness will deign to grant me the magnificence of her presence and raise a regal brood.
I learned that most of the native bees in Texas are ground dwellers. That meant that whatever nest I built would need to be very low. I learned that bumblebees like to nest in old mouse holes. On the Internet I found a lot of sites in the UK that sell bumblebee houses and a lot of chatter about their effectiveness. Apparently the queen is not easily amused. Here are the two best websites I found for constructing a nest.
I had some old shelving and thought that it would make a good start for the project. The bottom shelf of this unit was about the right dimensions for the two-chamber design.
I cut a piece of plywood for the back and front. The idea is that the front will be hinged so I can clean it out when necessary.
Then I cut a block to divide the two chambers and drilled a hole in it. This is what the queen can use to enter the nest.
Then I cut a block to divide the two chambers and drilled a hole in it. This is what the queen can use to enter the nest.
I cut a piece of 1/2" pvc and painted it brown. Then attached it with glue in between to blocks. This will help simulate a dark mouse hole.
Finally I drilled some ventilation holes and stapled some mesh over them to keep other bugs out. I cut up an old bag I had for the squares.
I installed the shelving in between the two posts I had placed in the herb garden. I made sure that it was facing southeast and four inches from the ground, as recommended.
Now I just have to wait. Bumblebee queens start looking for housing in February. I haven't seen any out in the yard - in fact I have rarely seen any bumblebees in the three years I have lived here. I planted lavender next to the box to try to entice them in years to come. If I can make the backyard a destination, perhaps some day her highness will deign to grant me the magnificence of her presence and raise a regal brood.