That's right. I just planted summer squash. Every fiber in my body is screaming at me. Stop! What are you doing!?!?!? WINTER IS COMING!
Not in hot and sweaty Texas. According to the extension service, I should get a nice little crop in before it freezes. I also planted beans and lemon cucumbers. Just to feel a little like normal, I planted greens, carrots, and beets. I resisted the advice to also plant that last crop of sweet corn.
Everything has perked up after that rain we had and the wildflowers are blooming again. We've cooled off from those 100 degree days so everyone is back outside and visiting with the neighbors. I'm back outdoors digging ditches to slow down run-off when we get those huge down pours. It is so strange to me to be thinking of what I need to grow right now instead of planning what I need to start shutting down.
I'm not sure my Oregon born and bred DNA can handle this - except that my lemons are almost ripe. Okay, I'm liken' this new climate!